Encrypter/decrypter of coded Md5/SHA1 strings through bruteforce and wordlists.Ultra Decrypter is Md5 decrypter, SHA1 decrypter, Md5 encrypter and SHA
Encrypter/decrypter of coded Md5/SHA1 strings through bruteforce and wordlists.
Ultra Decrypter is Md5 decrypter, SHA1 decrypter, Md5 encrypter and SHA1 encrypter at the same time.
Supported hash:
- Md5
- SHA1
Functions available:
- Md5 Encrypter -- strings in Md5
- SHA1 Encrypter -- string in SHA1
- Md5 Decrypter/Md5 Bruteforcer -- of md5 strings through bruteforce with combinations generated automatically by the application
- SHA1 Decrypter/SHA1 Bruteforcer -- of sha1 strings through bruteforce with combinations generated automatically by the application
- Md5 Decrypter/Md5 Brutelist -- of md5 strings through bruteforce with words in a wordlist loaded by the user
- SHA1 Decrypter/SHA1 Brutelist -- of sha1 strings through bruteforce with words in a wordlist loaded by the user
You can set the types of letters that the application uses through bruteforce (symbols, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters). Settings > Bruteforce.
You can use the function Memory Saver (Beta) in the case where your device is not able to keep in memory the entire wordlist loaded. Settings > Brutelist > Memory Saver (Beta).
The application is completely Free.
No responsibility in case of damages due to prolunged use.
• Management of processes in background added.
• Notification app running added.
• Notification process finished added.
• Various bug fixes.
• Spanish language added
• Social links added
• Rate link added
• Now SHA1 hash supported!